Everything is energy and the greatest thing we can strive for in life is Synergy... A balance of all the energies within us and around us. And a combined balance of those energies within us and around us creates a wonderful harmony we know as Synergy. Chakras are focal areas in the body where energy moves. Your Chakras are either open and aligned or blocked and unbalanced. Animals, like humans have Chakras. We notice certain illnesses and behaviors from certain areas in the body. These come about ultimately from blocked paths of energy or blocked Chakras. Since everything is energy...all sources of energy have frequencies. Some frequencies can noticeably be heard and felt, while others are less noticeable. They still exist and have an effect on other things around them and in their path. Our pets are more in tune, aware and sensitive to these frequencies. Light has a frequency, water has a frequency, a stone has a frequency along with the frequency of a bird chirping, our voice speaking or singing notes. Each of these emit different frequencies. Different colors and types of gemstones vibrate at different frequencies just like different colors of light or notes on the musical scale. We respond to those vibrations or frequencies whether we realize it or not. You hear a tune and can instantly feel sad and want to cry or other tunes make you so happy you want to dance and sing. There are scents that make you want to breathe deep and relax while there are others that make you feel exhilarated and happy. Over time there are specific colors, gemstones and even essential oils that we have learned to be good vibrationally for specific Chakras to bring about certain feelings and emotions. Your dog has those Chakras too! Your dog can benefit from the use of color therapy, calming music, gemstones and Aroma therapy through essential oils. With the help of these frequencies we can calm and focus the hyper or too busy a dog, relax the anxious, quiet the barker, help the fearful shy or snarling dog feel safe, soothe the abandoned and help them feel loved. It is all a balancing of energies. In our lives today, with all the technology, responsibilities and chaos we can use a little help and some days a lot of help to unblock our energy, to align our Chakras and harmonize the frequencies around us. We can do that for our dog's Chakras as well. Remember just as the days and seasons change so can our frequencies. So different essential oils can assist at different times and for different issues or blocked energies. Just like the water in a beautiful river flows, so does the blood and energies in our body. We all know the smell and look of stagnant water and most assuredly prefer a beautiful flowing river. We want our body and those of our pets to be vibrant like a beautiful flowing river. We all eat and wear various things and don't remain stagnant so try various gemstones and essential oils. With essential oils always use diluted and in small amounts for short periods of time. This is why diffusing can be a safer and subtler way of introducing essential oils to your pet. All our dog jewelry and accessories have beads for diffusing essential oils. Our Doggie Comfort Series uses essential oils for different issues with different Chakras. Our Doggie Emotional Comfort Spray was made with oils with high, middle and low frequencies to help harmonize all of your dog's Chakras. Our signature Poos4U SYNERGY is just a fragrance designed for no specific purpose other than a wonderful grounded, happy and yummy blend of oils creating SYNERGY! Our Doggie Diffuser Necklaces use both Gemstones and Essential oils to help balance Chakras. We have charts and references to assist you on your journey to a more harmonious life for you and your dog. We wish you and you dog SYNERGY!!!

Canine Chakra System Detail

1. Root Chakra:

  • Color: Red
  • Stones:  Garnet, Ruby, Red Coral, Red Bamboo, Red Jasper
  • Oils: Vetiver, Copaiba, Sandalwood, Black Spruce
  • Systems: Hips, Hind Legs, Spine, Skin
  • Sense: Smell

Blocked:  If the Root Chakra is blocked your pet may exhibit a heightened Fight or Flight response. They may exhibit extreme fear, issues with constipation, issues with hips and/or hindquarters, stiff joints, and food /toy aggression. To aid a blocked Root Chakra spend time outside, play in the grass, take walks, and sunbathe.

Balanced/Open: If the Root Chakra is balanced you are happy in your own skin. If the Root Chakra is open your pet will be active and playful.


2. Sacral Chakra:

  • Color: Orange
  • Stones:  Carnelian, Topaz
  • Oils: Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Patchouli
  • Systems: Reproductive Organs, Lower Spine, Bladder, and Emotions
  • Sense: Taste

Blocked: If the Sacral Chakra is blocked your pet may exhibit reproductive or bladder issues, and a general lack of appetite.  To help a blocked Sacral Chakra give your pet a soothing bath, or play in/around water such as a kiddie pool or water sprinkler.

Balanced/Open: If the Sacral Chakra is balanced your pet will have a balanced appetite, enjoy playing in or around water, and be more affectionate. When the Sacral Chakra is open your pet will exhibit a healthy reproductive system and good bladder control. 


3. Solar Chakra:

  • Color: Yellow
  • Stones: Tiger Eye, Citrine, Amber, Gold
  • Oils: Basil, Bergamot, Ginger, Nutmeg
  • Systems: Large Intestine, Liver, Stomach, Pancreas
  • Sense: Sight

Blocked: If the Solar Chakra is blocked your pet may exhibit digestion problems and a lack of energy. To aid a blocked Solar Chakra give your pet tummy rubs and add probiotics to their diet.

Balanced/Open: If the Solar Chakra is balanced your pet will have good digestion.  If the Solar Chakra is open your pet will exhibit good self-esteem. 


4. Heart Chakra:

  • Color: Green/Pink
  • Stones: [Green stones) like Green Aventurine,  Emerald, Jade, Malachite & Rose Quartz
  • Oils: Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Melissa, Rose
  • Systems: Heart, Lungs, Immune System
  • Sense: Touch

Blocked: If the Heart Chakra is blocked your pet will be more distant or isolated and may exhibit anger behaviors. A blocked Heart  Chakra is also associated with heart issues. To aid a blocked Heart Chakra spend quality one-on-one time with your pet.

Balanced/Open: If the Heart Chakra is balanced and open your pet will be loving, friendly, and happy.


5. Throat Chakra:

  • Color: Blue
  • Stones:
  • Oils: Chamomile, Cypress, Hyssop, Peppermint, Frankincense
  • Systems: Thyroid, Teeth, Neck, Trachea
  • Sense: Hearing

Blocked: If the Throat Chakra is blocked your pet may bark excessively or may be extremely quiet but refuse to listen.  To aid a blocked Throat Chakra play soothing music and use a calm tone of voice (especially during training).

Balanced/Open: If the Throat Chakra is balanced your pet will communicate well, barking only to notify you. If the Throat Chakra is balanced some dogs may "sing". 


6. Brow Chakra:

  • Color: Indigo
  • Stones: Fluorite, Sodalite
  • Oils: Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Helichrysum,  Ylang Ylang, Lavender
  • Systems: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Left Side of Brain
  • Sense: Inner Self

Blocked: If the Brow Chakra is blocked your pet may exhibit eye issues, inattention, or apathy. With a blocked Brow Chakra use treats to get your pet's attention. Make them watch you for instructions and then use words for your commands before giving them the treat.  Make sure to use all three senses (eyes, ears, nose) during training.

Balanced/Open: If the Brow Chakra is balanced your pet will make eye contact and show focus.


7. Crown Chakra:

  • Color: Purple
  • Stones: Amethyst, Charoite
  • Oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh,  Spikenard
  • Systems: Right-Side of Brain, Nervous System
  • Sense: Connection with Surroundings

Blocked: If the Crown Chakra is blocked your pet may be uncomfortable with its surroundings.  They can seem to always be looking for something, or nervous. They may also exhibit depression or lethargy as a symptom of low self-esteem. To aid a blocked Crown Chakra give your pet words of encouragement, praise, and positive energy.

Balanced/Open: If the Crown Chakra is balanced your pet will be confident and contented. 


8. Brachial Chakra: 

  • Color: Black, Gray
  • Stones: Hematite, Black Diamond
  • Oils: Any oils to help balance where needed, Blends using oils for upper, middle, or root chakras
  • Systems: Connects to all other chakras,  Shoulder blades
  • Sense: Connection to People

Blocked: Disconnected, more of a loner.

Help: Our Chakra massager works well since it has stones for each chakra and is used mainly in the brachial area to open all chakras.

Balanced: Friendly with others


9. Bud Chakra:

  • Color: Aqua
  • Stones: Turquoise, Aqua Marine
  • Oils:  Grounding oils like Myrrh, Frankincense, Sandalwood  & Root oils like Vetiver, Ginger, Turmeric
  • Systems:  Bottom of pads of paws and base opening of each ear

Blocked:  Not wanting to be on the ground,  a lack of sniffing or investigating when outside.

Balanced/ Open:  When your dog's Bud Chakra is in balance they are more grounded. They like to kick up the dirt, sniff the ground, and roll and rub their ears on the ground.


10. Minor Sensory Chakra:

  • Color: Clear
  • Stones: Quartz, Diamond
  • Oils:  Frankincense and Lavender
  • Systems:   Minor sensory chakras are located in multiple areas of the body including the tail (all the way to the tip), whiskers, and the outer ear.


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