Our Values

We cook for our dogs every day. We do keep dry food out at all times for them. Puppies and pregnant or nursing moms get prepared or wet food twice a day while the entire gang gets prepared food once a day in addition to their dry food.

Our pets have their own doggie doors to be able to come in and go outside and play. The puppies learn to use the doggie door at about 6 weeks of age. It doesn’t matter how small they are they go out the doggie doors. We do not kennel or cage our puppies or our adult dogs.

All our puppies grow up around other dogs, our Himalayan cats, and our rabbits. Our dogs and puppies are used to all the daily household noises and activities. They really know no fear because they are part of what we are doing each and every day. They are quite the attention hounds when visitors come. They really enjoy having company, which seems to be all the time. They sleep in the bed and on their own beds around our home. We consider them part of our family and spoil them, while still allowing them to be dogs.
Our Vet
North Bay Animal Hospital, Inc.
4740 Hwy 389 | Lynn Haven, FL | 32444
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