Gumdrop is a male CKC Malti-tzu born on October 11, 2024. He is $1700 and is AVAILABLE.

All puppies are Vet checked with a Health certificate, Health guarantee, three sets of shots, kennel cough Bordetella, fecal worming, up to date on flea preventative, sent home with heartworm preventative, international microchipped with lifetime registration. They are using the doggie door as well as pee pads. They are socialized with people and with other dogs. Our dogs & puppies are fed a grain-free diet, cooked for, and given probiotics & enzymes daily. We never kennel or cage. And since I’m a groomer our puppies have been groomed several times by the time they go home. And of course, all the puppies are given lots of love & kisses.

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