call Tami @ 850-874-2445
MaltiPoo puppies born 10-08-2014
will be going home for Christmas
Gracie Sven on left & Gracie on right
SOLD, Gracie, black female MaltiPoo going home with Renee Maracna in
Lake Worth, FL
SOLD. Sven, black male MaltiPoo to Kristy Orellana in Panama City, FL
SOLD, Olaf, white male MaltiPoo to Van Do in Panama City, FL
SOLD, Anna, black female MaltiPoo to Beth Oltman in Panama City, FL
Prior MaltiPoos & Malti Tzus
SOLD, Trudy Star, female Maltitzu to Kathy Swain in Mexico Beach, FL
SOLD, Rocky, white male Maltitzu to Laura Esch and son Conner in Panama City, FL
SOLD, Major, gold & white male Maltitzu to
Cynthia Espinosa and her son Ni in Panama City, FL
MaltiPoos are our Maltese / Toy Poodle crosses
Malti Tzu are our Maltese / Shih Tzu crosses
For info on each breed click the following link
And with the last name Poos you have to have more than 1 Poo. The Poos family now have Gina, the MaltiTzu as well as Samantha. - Your Ultimate Resource for Dogs, Cats and Horses